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  • Acts of Leadership and a 25 year vision

    Published 23/11/23

    2048 is a long way off, but the work starts here

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  • Ipswich declared UK’s first Town of Youth Social Action

    Published 27/11/22

    Ipswich has gained the title of the UK’s first “Town of Youth Social Action” working with the
    #iwill movement, joining Manchester, the first City of Youth Social Action, in leading a national movement to put the voices of children and young people at the heart of local decision-making.

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  • One Ipswich – Making it Happen

    Published 24/11/22

    19th June 2023, Adastral Park 11-2

    After our "Festival of Ipswich Voices" we'll be coming together as Alliance members to create a strategy based on young people's vision for our town.

    So we met as over 200 allies in January 2023, made space to hear young people's views, considered how our system doesn't always work for everyone and launched the Festival of Ipswich Voices.

    This conference on 19th June will focus on how we use what young people are telling us to change the system, how we work together to make Ipswich a welcoming, equitable, compassionate, aspirational town that lifts up every young person in the way they want and need.

    Young people will design and deliver this conference, so watch this space for an agenda and more details.

    But have faith, it will be another inspiring, and importantly, action focused event.

    Book online here:

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  • Ipswich Voices Fringe Festival

    Published 24/11/22

    February – May 2023

    After our One Ipswich launch event in January we're asking Alliance members to start the big conversation with children, young people and their families - asking what their vision is for an Ipswich that improved life chances and enables all children to meet their potential.

    You'll find a resource pack to capture these conversations here, and we'll amplify key messages on our interactive map, before returning in June to build a strategy enabling all of our organisations to build that vision.

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