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Our Strategy

In November 2023 we launched our 25 year strategy. It's an ambitious vision of the future in 2048 from the point of view of young people and the role of our organisations in achieving it. 

You can read our strategy here or download below.

We took a year to get this right - consulting organisations serving Ipswich through two large events and a year of open house steering group meetings between November 2022 and November 2023. We also launched the festival of youth voices - making space for children and young people to tell and show us what matters to them by designing and leading our collaborative events, and having their say - see some of their feedback here.

We don't have a 25 year roadmap. We know this journey is complex and needs to be built by young people - we have to respond and act through them to deliver what they need. So we commit, as a group of organisations, to continue to meet, set and deliver an annual action plan that moves us each year towards our goal.

You can read our action plan for the first year here. This action plan is a set of commitments for 2023/24 from the founder organisations of ISMA that represent acts of leadership in bringing about our collective goals. Some of these acts are things that we take responsibility for as organisations with the power to make change. And many are are examples of ways that we will share power with young people, so that they have space to build the future they want through us.

Our thanks to Erika Clegg Strategy and Planning for her support in capturing all the words and ideas of young people and organisations and bringing them together for this strategy and action plan, and dreaming up the "Ipswich Connected Life Model"

If you would like to be part of our ongoing action planning, and commit to an act of leadership towards the ISMA 2048 vision, join us.